An Unexpected Gift


Did you ever have one of those days when you think, “I’m glad I have it all planned out today? I just need to make it to quitting time and then I can get all the things done I need to.”? Everything is going good and then BAM! something unexpected comes up. Now everything is up in the air.

That happened to me today. An unexpected snow squall completely changed my plans and I learned a valuable lesson. Had I not been working on seeing Christmas like a child and looking towards Jesus like I have been these past 17 days, I would have completely fallen into the, 'complaining- but wearing a fake smile’ mentality today. I would have been tempted to commiserate with coworkers and be more Grinch like.

Instead, today I made the best of it. I laughed, I played, and I made some awesome memories. A lot of life really is how you look at it. Living a life of faith definitely colors my view. Today I got to experience childlike joy, it’s been a long time since that has happened. I cannot recommend it enough.

I hope that you are able to take the next interruption you face and view it as an unexpected gift. I pray that you take some time this season to laugh, play, and find the beauty in it all.

To Everything There Is A Season …

Kiley Ann