Just Rest...
We are six days into December and I’m already so very tired. My heart is full with all the joy I’ve gotten to witness this week. All the smiles, the laughs, the generosity - have been a true delight. While my heart may be full, this girl is real tired.
That leaves me with a choice to make. I could sit here for a extended period of time and push out a longer blog. I can hear myself starting to say it must be this perfect thing that I can offer to God. There were a lot of “I’s” in that sentence and that’s a good indication I’m about to miss the mark. So instead of giving into that self-centered desire, I’m going to choose option number two.
I’m going to close up my laptop, spend some more time with Jesus and go to bed. I’m going to rest so that tomorrow I can be his hands and feet. So that tomorrow I’m ready to serve.
Friends don’t be afraid to step back from the busy world when you need to and just rest in His arms. It’s one of the best places in the world.
To Everything There Is A Season…
Kiley Ann